SHEEPDOG SECURITY was born on 15th June 2022 and is a proud SGC GROUP company. SGC GROUP, since 2016, had never thought of establishing itself as a security company but a partner to security companies, law enforcement, communities, and commercial clients. However, for the last three years, our clients have requested that we offer them the services as a security company; hence, SHEEPDOG SECURITY was born.
As a new-born company, we have developed with very specific objectives in mind, philosophy, treat each and every client as if they were our only client and an opinion that there is no such thing as “one size fits all”. We recognise that each and every client has an individual approach. Our strength is our ability to assess these unique situations and apply an appropriate solution based on our specialised services. We back this up with our extensive in-field knowledge and support, designed to deliver the highest levels of service consistently.
SHEEPDOG SECURITY, developing from modest beginnings, we aim to become one of South Africa’s most recognised privately owned and managed Specialised Companies while maintaining the same core values and hands-on approach as instilled in our training and day-to-day operations during our years in the South African Police Services and South African Defence Force. SHEEPDOG SECURITY has partnered with specific companies and consultants to bring our clients the best in all we do.
Professional Security & Investigations
We offer our clients solutions with experience, state-of-the-art and highly qualified staff and consultants in Criminal, Industrial, Commercial, Domestic and Forensic Investigations; Guarding Services; Undercover Agents; Managed Security Solutions; Vehicle Number Plate Recognition; Facial Recognition; CCTV; Armed Escorts; Crime Prevention Units; Vehicle Tracking; Vehicle Fleet Management; Polygraphing (Truth Verification); Risk Management; Legal Services; Body Guarding; Close Protection Services; Tracing Services and Background Screening.

Compliance & Accreditations